Many hikers have turned to trail running shoes for their weight savings. However, trail runners are made for runners—not hikers—which means their support and durability usually lag behind true hiking shoes. Lightweight hiking shoes may be the better option for men and women who want less weight on their hiking feet. This post recommends the best lightweight hiking shoes, based on my extensive hiking experience and outdoor industry experience.

testing Salomon's X Ultra 4 GTX on a spring hike
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Best Lightweight Hiking Shoes of 2024
In 2024, the best lightweight hiking shoes are the
Each of these lightweights tips the scale at two pounds or less for men—and several ounces less for women. Importantly, they each have their own fits and are made for different kinds of hiking. Scroll down to learn the "best fit" and "best match" for each of these shoes, which I've personally worn or sold when I managed footwear at a hiking and backpacking shop.
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Danner Trail 2650
Best Lightweight Leather Hiking Shoe
Main Benefits:
Named for the 2650-mile Pacific Crest Trail, the Danner Trail 2650 is made for fast-and-light hikers who prefer lightweight hiking shoes to more supportive hiking shoes. I personally wear my 2650s as a trail to town shoe—they're comfortable when I'm at my computer and capable when I walk the desert wash behind my house. Danner's best trail shoes run several ounces lighter than the average hiking shoe while providing men and women with excellent traction and optional GORE-TEX waterproofing for wet weather or sloppy trail conditions. The Trail 2650 is available in standard or wide sizes with several different builds available to match your hiking style, including leather or synthetic uppers, breathable Campos for hot weather hikes, or waterproof GTX styles.
Best Fit
regular or wide feet
Best Match
fast hikers, trail to town wear
Hoka Anacapa Low
Lightweight Hiking Shoe with Max Cushion
Main Benefits:
Best Fit
average feet
Best Match
day hikes, max cushion fans
adidas TERREX Free Hiker 2
Best Lightweight Hiking Shoe for Casual Hikes
Main Benefits:
Rivaling the Anacapa in comfort, the TERREX Free Hiker 2 features Boost cushion midsoles—the same cushioning that adidas uses in its premium running shoes. They also sneak in a surprising amount of support with a lightweight EVA stability frame, which adds to the shoe's all-day comfort and support. These hiking sneakers feel lighter than they actually are, but their plush feel and contemporary looks will appeal to men and women looking for lightweight hiking shoes. adidas TERREX made these shoes with casual hikers in mind—I mostly wear my Free Hikers for travel and urban trails. They're extremely comfortable for anyone who's on their feet all day.
Best Fit
average to narrow feet
Best Match
casual hikes, urban trails
Salomon X Ultra 4
Best Lightweight Hiking Shoe for Steep Trails
Main Benefits:
Most lightweight hiking boots are made for easier trails—not the Salomon X Ultra 4. With an outstanding weight to support ratio, this hiking shoe can tackle tough scales without tipping the scales as much as the average hiking shoe. This is a high-performance hiking shoe with a snug fit, firm feel, and aggressive climbing and braking lugs that dig into soft and loose surfaces for better traction on steep trails. I've personally hiked hundreds of miles in the Salomon X Ultra 4 GTX and sold more X Ultras than any other hiking shoe when I worked at Backcountry and Appalachian Outdoors. This shoe gets my vote for the best lightweight hiking shoe for serious hikers.
Best Fit
standard to slightly narrow,
wide sizes available
Best Match
all-around hiking shoe, trails with soft or loose surfaces
La Sportiva Spire GTX
Best Lightweight Hiking Shoe for Technical Terrain
Main Benefits:
If the Salomon X Ultra 4 isn’t the best lightweight hiking shoe for harder hikes, it’s probably La Sportiva’s Spire GTX. Mixing soft EVA cushioning with firm TPU inserts, the Spire is both cushioned underfoot and stable on uneven ground. It’s a lightweight hiking shoe that features premium Vibram outsoles for excellent traction on rocks and GORE-TEX Surround–the most breathable GORE-TEX on the market. This shoe runs narrow with a price that runs high. But that may be money well spent for serious hikers who don’t mind paying a premium for the best lightweight hiking shoes.
Best Fit
runs narrow (size up)
Best Match
tough trails, rocky terrain
buying the best lightweight hiking shoes
The best lightweight hiking boots may save you some energy on the trail, especially if you’re a fast hiker. And they generally cost less than the best hiking boots. That makes them a popular pick for casual hikers, fast hikers, and seasoned backpackers who want to save weight to save energy (especially on long hikes).
If you're not in love with these options, please check out my longer list of recommended hiking shoes or my pro picks for the best trail running shoes for hikers.
Has this post helped you pick out your next hiking shoe? If so, please consider purchasing them through the affiliate links above. That doesn't cost you anything, but it pays the bills at Hiking Feet—and gives me a little back for the hundreds of unpaid hours I've devoted to writing free content to help hikers choose the best hiking boots, hiking shoes, and trail running shoes for them. If this site hooked you up, please hook me up, too.
Happy Hiking!